Enigma Machine Simulator v1.0
This software (Enigma Machine Simulator) EMS is design to encrypt your secret messages into secret words and you can get your secret message by entering that secret words in Enigma Machine Simulator with the same rotors which your entered first time in ecryption of secret message. This software is design especially for secret agents. Anyone can use this software but don't misuse of this software. Enigma Machine Simulator is design with special things. There are some functions of enigma like rotors. You have to enter rotors to encrypt your message. Result box. In result box you can see your encrypted message. You should remember rotors which you enter before writting message to get message back. You can put rotors which you entered before writting message and encypted message which you got in result box to get your message again. You can use print button to print the result of your secret message. You can use reset button to reset all your values except rotors. Rotors will not reset with reset button. Plugboard is also a function of enigma. You can leave empty plugboard boxes.
What is Plugboard???
A board containing several sockets into which plugs may be inserted to interconnect electric circuits, telephone lines, or computer components, by means of short lengths of wire.
A plugboard is an array of jacks or hubs into which patch cords can be inserted to complete and electrical circuit.
How plugboard works in Enigma Machine???
The first stop on the journey is the plugboard. Here the signal is connected to the 'T' input on the plugboard. Some of the letters on the plugboard will be wired up to other letters (the plugs), causing the signal to be diverted. If the 'T' input is not plugged to another letter then our signal will pass straight to the 'T output. In our case, though the 'T' is plugged to the 'K', so the signal is diverted to a new path, the letter is now 'K'.
If you will not use plugboard your message will encrypted because plugboard is not recmonded. We will advise you to don't use plugboard. If you understand how to use plugboard in enigma then it's better. My advise is to don't use plugboard.
Enigma Machine Simulator is Design by Aqib Production and Muhammad Aqib Hussain. This machine encrypt messages which are secret.
Enigma Machine Simulator v1.0
(Released: July 27, 2015)
How to use Enigma Machine Simulator
1. Enigma Machine Simulator
2. Write any alphabets in Rotor 1, Rotor 2 and Rotor 3
3. e.g in Rotor 1 K, in Rotor 2 G, in Rotor 3 L
4. Then in enter a word to encrypt write a secret message which you want to send others
5. In result see there is encrypted message
6. Click on Print button to Save Encrypted message.
7. Then Send encrypted secret message and Rotors Which you Entered First to who you want to send this message.
8. Make sure to whom you are sending this encrypted message and rotors which you entered at first
9. Make sure that he/she has this Software
e.g. I entered in Rotor 1 K, in Rotor 2 G, in Rotor 3 L and I entered a message like HEISFINE it will show me in Result MQTHMDOX. MQTHMDOX is encrypted message then I send this encrypted message (MQTHMDOX) and Rotor 1 K, Rotor 2 G and Rotor 3 L to who i want to send.
Rotor 1 Rotor 2 Rotor 3
Reset Button will reset result and message you entered
Enigma Machine simulator design and produce by Aqib Production and Muhammad Aqib Hussain
Winrar Password : muhammadaqibussain.blogspot.com
4shared - EMS - 3.5 MB |
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